Monday 28 November 2016

Entry details

Entry Details

• The deadline for submitting work is 11.59PM GMT on Thursday 23rd March 2017.
• There is no entry fee to submit work.
You do not need to be a Member of YCN to enter.
• You can respond to as many briefs as you wish. You may also submit more than one response per brief.
• All submissions must be in the English language.
• You may submit work as an individual or as a team. Teams can consist of as many people as you wish.
• Logos and other information listed in individual briefs, can be found online in Project Packs that accompany each brief.
• All entries must be submitted via the YCN digital uploader — live from January 2017.

All entries must be presented digitally, via our digital entry uploader. You should demonstrate your work in as much detail as possible. The best way to do this is to present it all in a single PDF with lots of big visuals and supporting written descriptions. Any related digital elements (such as films or animations) can be supplied alongside this PDF.

You may submit supporting physical items if you wish. You are welcome to post or hand deliver to YCN items to support your digital submission. Each should be clearly labelled with your name and contact details.  Our address is YCN Student Awards, 72 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3AY.

-Must be submitted digitally although you are able to send physical copies. 
-Free Entry
-English language 

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