Sunday 13 November 2016

User interface design

User interface design (UI) or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience.

As a task multiple areas of interface design were explored on multiple platforms. This giving a greater idea upon how important interface design can be, and its uses. From cash points to apps, user interface is accessible on a daily basis. 

When thinking about user interface design, one key aspect was that of the feeling you gain from such experience. From this it was decided that the product must be easy to use, and contain less steps than the not user interface equivalent. It was also suggested that apps often offer rewards, a factor in which bribes the consumer to become actively involved with the app. It was also suggested that the app should give you some form of excitement, resulting in further use.

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