Sunday 27 November 2016

Physical design of apple wallet

The Apple wallet icon is a clear responsive approach to that of a wallet. The design obviously expresses the brands ethos, and is highly engaging. The main importance with app faces is that they appear collective to the product-in this instance they do so. 

When first opening the app you are taken to this page. Simple in design, the app only needs to be quickly set up in order to get started. Cards may also be scanned in order to make the process quicker. The design is simple and clear, sections are also used in order to express different elements of the app. Colour has been used effectively in order to highlight key iconography within the app, thus making its design engaging. White is used in order to promote a clear, safe environment. 

This display expresses the one in which the consumer would use when wanting to pay. When multiple cards are selected it is difficult to navigate through them as scrolling is needed. Elements such as the starbucks card also appear irrelevant as you would be able to pay with a normal card. In order to make this easier to navigate further negative space should be apparent. Maybe some form of hierarchy could be made with the cards. The style in which the cards are expressed relates to that of a bankcard and works successfully. This in turn making the consumer trust the product. 

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