Friday 25 November 2016

New drawings

From the feedback gathered within the critique it was decided that the concepts need to be expanded as they currently appear very weak. In order to set the design apart from that of others key design aspects need to be made. When completing research it has been stated that the book must be submitted digitally, but as finishes are a key factor when considering book design an email has been sent discussing whether an paper copy may be sent alongside the digital. If so this would allow for myself to explore with multiple finishes in which would give my book a greater stance upon that of my competitors.

In order to expand current concepts further drawings have been made. These clearly outlining different ways in which my book may get noticed.

Other mediums have been explored in order to express my design as different from the others within the competition. 

The first idea expressed within the drawings outlines a hand rendered approach to typography in which focuses upon a blood effect. Mediums such as ink or watercolour may be used in order to expresses the sentiment of dripping blood within this piece.

The second design idea follows on from the concept of the 'invisible' footprint. But rather than the footprint appearing invisible the type will. A scalpel approach will be used in order to express the murder weapon. 

Other ideas include that of a scalped house approach, blood drops, and collage pieces. 

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