Thursday 17 November 2016

Initial mindmaps

To gather a greater understanding upon the book in-depth research was partaken in order to gather a greater knowledge upon the case, and the period in which it was written. The author was also extensively researched in order to gather a strong indication of the book's outlines.

Key factors/themes in which were discovered were correlated into a mindmap, this in turn allowing a critical analysis upon which factors may be visualised. Some of these instantly became apparent and are listed below:

  • 50 years old
  • Safe-money being the main motivation
  • Stabbed/shot
  • Footprint
  • Tire tracks
  • Stolen car
  • Blood
  • Letters

From the research conducted, visual ideas will now be explored, taking in count the the extent of the murder, and designing appropriately as these events occurred and no offense wants to be made. 

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