Friday 11 November 2016

Final crit

The final critique was derived in groups of 10, whereby both peers and assessors could give feedback. One factor in which was highly recognisable within the crit was how diverse each book was, a factor in which is evident of the university itself.

Feedback in which I received:

  • One orphan was present within the deisgn, and thus a clear attempt has been made at typesetting. 
  • The consistent movement between spreads was commented on as engaging, with the book being perceived as visually and contextually interesting. 
  • The helvetica used upon the sleeve was deemed as a large contrast, with it being suggested that this could also be projected within the book. 
  • As multiple aspects of the book highlighted Manchester's industrial revolution it was suggested that aspects in which resemble Leeds should be considered. 
  • The sleeves design was said to be engaging, with the throw away aspect being highly resemblant of the theme. 
  • Serif typefaces are easy to read, and the typeface doesn't appear overpowering. 
  • It was also suggested that although the page numbers worked effectively, the statement should be more forceful if a similar occurrence was developed with the titles.  
  • The production was discussed, with obvious components being expressed, eg the bind. When discussing whether the book should be produced again it was stated that as an academic submission it was substantial, and allowed key aspects to comment upon. 
When discussing target audience it was suggested that the accessible nature is a component in which would engage that of a younger consumer. It was also suggested that the pricing of the book was fair.

From the feedback gathered, it is evident that the book works effectively at engaging that of a younger demographic. Design decisions were debated, with personal preference being discussed. Overall the feedback suggested was fair and highly relatable to the project. 

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