Thursday 17 November 2016

Initial ideas

From the research initial ideas were developed in which outlined key concepts. Although only rough ideas, the designs enabled myself to think of the designs visually-a key component to the designs impact. Rather than focusing upon the style of the design, the concept was explored. Some of the best ideas to come from this were that of the type writers text (as the manuscript would have been originally written using a type writer), the tire tracks, and foot print. The collage idea was also very interesting although I am uncertain about whether this would be appropriate for the design. Although this may link in which the book being originally published within the times. 

From the initial ideas, secondary design ideas were developed. This time attempting to eliminate generic designs in which other competition appliers may think of. Production methods were thought about with C.A.D being the most used, a factor in which would not set my design apart from that of other competitors.  A wider range of ideas were explored, such as using hitchcocks final words. When discussing this with my peers, the following feedback was expressed:

  • Some concepts seem very generic and thus innovative production methods must be used
  • Collage format would be effective although considerations must be made in the making in order to made the design appear formal. 
  • Maybe attempt to step away from the genre and develop something in which appears contextual yet aesthetically pleasing. 

As a result of the feedback a few more sketches were developed, thinking about how the design may differ from others. These design ideas may now be taken onto CAD.

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