Tuesday 22 November 2016

App Design

 Simplistic in format this app design initially brings you to that of an introduction page in which expresses in an icon format that of sections of the app. This therefore allowing you initially to reduce the amount of information present. Large amounts of information often become daughting, especially with a small app format. Minimal colours are also used in which allows the app to not appear overwhelming.

 Similar to the above approach this design expresses a format in which allows the designer to initially reduce the amount of data expressed. Shapes are often used in order to section these factors, a design decision in which allows for a cleaner, organised approach. The colour pallet expressed within this design is very minimal and does not appear engaging. As the background is white this may cause staring to the eyes after a long period due to the glow of the phone.

Focusing upon weather this app is informative and clear to navigate. Although the dark black background appears very dull and makes you not want to stay on the app for very long. Infographics have again been used in order to express information visually, a factor in which is highly important when engaging that of a younger consumer.
This design uses a pie chart approach in order to express simplicity. The buttons on this screen may be slightly too small, as it is important that the consumer is able to easily use their fingers when developing an action.

largely increasing the click count, this introduction page leaves the consumer bored and uninterested. In a world whereby information is expressed fast, it is important that the click count is as little as possible.

Using a clear search system this app allows the consumer to take charge upon which cocktail they want to make. One criticism may be that the small infographic is unengaging and that a larger image vs text proportion should be considered.

Factors that should be considered when developing the app:

  • Infographics may be used in order to promote a visually engaging piece
  • The app may follow a sections, reducing the information present
  • White backgrounds can become difficult to see
  • Black backgrounds appear negative, stay way from negativity when discussing colour
  • Too much information can become overpowering
  • Click counts should be reduced to as little as possible

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