Thursday 3 November 2016

Thinking about a front cover

After my discussion with the creative advertising student I began to think more directly upon how my cover will be constructed and what it would formulate. As bookrum was used digital print could not be directly applied although embossing/screenprint could be used.

Thinking back to the comment of street art needing no introduction, I began to think of innovative ways in which text may not appear upon the cover.

The first idea was that the title may appear upon a sleeve but not actually upon the bookrum itself, thus introducing itself to the target audience, but after time the meaning has gone. 

As collaboration is a factor in which I belive to be highly important within book design, I asked Amy Butters from Illustration to compile a design for the sleeve, giving her the topic of hand rendered type. From this she developed a bespoke cover.

This design explores a plastic sleeve covering the book. The sleeve itself would contain illustrations and 'street art'. Once the book is bought the wrapper is irrelevant and is instantly thrown away, as it must be torn in order to open the book, this explores the idea that graffiti does not last compared to that of other art forms.

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