Monday 7 November 2016

Thinking about an attachment

As the sleeves design has now been decided upon the attachment should now be explored. To do this multiple attachments will be explored through mock ups. 

Glue-The usage of glue is an obvious approach in which would securely hold the cover together.  When exploring with pva it became apparent that the glue would be seen through the cover, in turn dampening the design. Pva also did not hold the book securely enough. Due to this, if glue was used, superglue would be the answer.

Sticker-Although unconventional this approach uses stickers in order to connect the cover, although effective the general aesthetic of this appears weak, mainly due to the colour used. If a clear sticker was used this may appear much cleaner.

General fastenator (no glue)- When thinking about ways in which the sleeve may be attached a slot approach seemed an effective method, as no glue was used this would allow the plastic to be recycled afterwards. When attempting to complete this the 'lock' frequently opened and didn't appear secure, a factor in which would not be suitable for industry. In order to resolve this a circle approach was used, which was the folded over the slot. Although slightly more secure the cover often opened if moved, again a factor in which would not be suitable in mass production.

Sticker attempt (clear)

The clear sticker approach worked far more appropriately than any of the previous fascinating methods. This method is also not re-attachable- a key aspect to the theory behind this piece. The method is also cheap and reliable, two key factors in which would work in industry. As a result this mechanism has been decided upon.

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