Sunday 6 November 2016

Drawings and mock ups

Gaining ideas from the research drawings were developed in order to visually record my thoughts. Multiple ideas were discussed, involving full and half sleeve approaches. The environmental impact of this was also debated, with a half sleeve being much better for the environment. Aesthetically the designs produced are very minimal in turn creating an enigma. As I was unsure upon which design to take further I discussed the criticisms with my peers. From this the idea of having speech marks in order to connote large corporations putting a label upon things was highlighted. With the minimal idea being suggested as highly engaging. Following on from this it was decided to develop some mock ups, these are expressed below.

This approach explores a full sleeve approach in which would not only decorate but would also protect the book. Helvetica has been used in order to express the corporate identity of type, whilst also creating a juxtaposition to that of the hand rendered type expressed inside. A centralisation of type was expressed in order to engage the consumer, and to also express a further corporate aesthetic. 

The sleeve easily slots into the book, with no glue being needed-a factor in which is better for the environment. The extra plastic in which this design contains is not, and thus would be damaging to the environment. 

This approach is much more environmentally friendly with less plastic being used, although it must still be considered that plastic is used and thus environmental factors are real. Unlike that of the previous this design uses stickers in order to express the text rather than ink. This further embedding the street art nature of the book. The speech marks are also much larger, a factor in which is said to entice the consumer to engage with the product. As this design wraps around the book it would likely be discarded or kept separate to the book, this relating to the disposable nature of graffiti, and the blank canvas in which is the city.


When gathering feedback one main factor in which was mentioned was that of the type size being far too large upon the second design, and that a midway size should be developed between the two. It was also stated that the smaller sleeve relates more to that of the ideology than that of the larger sleeve.

Although I belive both designs to be effective, the environmental impact of the larger sleeve deters me from choosing this design, as on a mass scale a large environmental impact would be made. Due to this the smaller approach will be continued, although fastening methods must be explored.

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