Tuesday 1 November 2016

Front covers at village bookstore

In order to gather a general idea of the kind of books village bookstore sells, research was conducted. This in turn allowing my book to stand against the crowd, but to slot in to the general design ethos and not appear out of place.

Modernist in design, this book explores a primarily typographic front cover. Simplistic, the elegance of this book is what makes it beautiful. Although not standing out directly upon a shelf, this intriguing design is what makes the consumer interested. 

Purely illustration based these two designs highlight a specific aspect from the book. The images used do not fill the entire page and therefore the consumer has to find the information rather than just being given it. 

In this example and image/typographical approach has been taken. The composition of the two is highly interesting, and would stand out upon shelf. The usage of Thatcher is also an aspect in which engages the consumer, as anyone interested in politics would be intrigued by this book. 

Foiling has been used in this instance in order to gain visual intrest into this books design. Rather than purely aesthetical this design focuses upon the feel of the book, primarily texture. This decision has been made as the consumer is more likely to buy it from the shop than online. 

No text has been used in this books design in order to engage the consumer, this also creates an enigma in which excites the audience. 

When looking at this book both online and manually, I myself had a massive urge to buy it. Focusing upon the minners strike, this books production is one of a kind. The text of this book has been developed using coal from a mine in which was the focus of the welsh miners efforts. Multiple stocks, and stickers have also been used in order to gain the intrest of the consumer. 

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