Saturday 8 October 2016

Which generation?

As I was unsure which generation to choose I have decided to develop a summary of each focusing upon the production of the book, these will then be compared and analysed.

30-50 -

-As generation x is much richer than other generations a more costly book would not appear ridiculous, as it is stated that they would prefer a strong durable product rather than that of a product in which will not last the test of time.

-As the X gen also has children, they care greatly about the future of the planet and thus are more likely to buy a book if it is environmentally friendly.

-An insightful blurb would be a good way in which to sway the indecisive generation, in which buys for purpose.

-As this generation invests greatly in the future an intellectual book would be a good stance, as education is a form of investing in your own future.

-It is also stated that this generation is much more likely to use traditional methods to gather information, such as newspapers, and thus books are more likely to be bought by this generation.


-Making up a third of the population there is a wide audience in which would be targeted meaning the book could be produced on a large scale.

-As an audience they seek knowledge themselves rather than from that of a predecessor. This would mean that if my book was highly theoretical it could be read for educational purposes, a factor in which this generation would enjoy.

-Over 50% have a university education and thus there will be many more creative practitioners in the future, this relates to the sales of the book, as students are likely to read it in order to develop their own practice.

-The majority  do not have children and thus are much more likely to have a disposable income, meaning they are more likely to buy the book.

-Their attention span is eight seconds-meaning that the book must be engaging and keep the reader interested through each paragraph. This may be an exciting way in which to explore theorists.

-60% have an interest in politics and social issues, the main focus of my book.

-They care about the environment and thus the book could involve some form of environmental aspect.

Which one?

30-50:Family originated, Prefers durable products, needs to be persuaded to invest, likes traditional methods, invests in the future, environmental.

18-30:Third of population, disposable income, 8 second attention span, interest in politics, environmental.

Although only being divided by 20 years these two groups contain very separate ways in which they see products although they both share a concern with the environment, and thus whatever option I decide I must ensure that environmental factors are considered. Although generation X has more money they are much more likely to invest this money in their children, as they are the future. This differing from that of 18-30 year olds as they are quick to dispose of their income. Generation X is much smaller than that of the younger generation, thus there are less consumers to target. 

Looking at the relevant information it appears that the book would be far easier to sell to that of a younger generation as they are easily persuaded, have a disposable income and an interest in social issues. Although a book's audience should not determined by profit, I belive that this is a key point to this sale as it is my first 'proper' book. Within my future, as a designer, I would like to focus more on issues rather than profit but must also remember that 'a mortgage does not pay itself', and thus some form of balance must be made. This decision is relatively risk free, a factor which is important when starting out as a designer, but must be challenged in the future to evolve as a practitioner. 

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