Wednesday 5 October 2016

Every book starts with an idea

As a form of research I read the 'Every book starts with an idea' article. Below are quotes from the article that I found apply to my current book/work I may progress with within the future. 

Quote 1.

As I previously developed a book for Design Principals within level 4, this will be the second book in which I will have developed myself. And as this quote suggests the key factor is to learn from that of previous. Within my last books production a range of issues occurred, a factor in which I will attempt to control this year. Production was also rushed and thus I must leave enough time to produce a well constructed final piece.

Quote 2.

The above quote suggests that within all books there should be a question, an underlining theme in which is repeated throughout. The book should provide a question, in which is thoroughly tackled throughout. When applying this to my own book I would suggest that the question would be, why do people create graffiti? A topic area in which must be condesnsed selectively in order to produce a piece in which allows a text/image balance.

Quote 3.

Although not applying to my current design setup, I found this quote rather interesting as it suggests how people in industry tackle book design. Until this moment I hadn't really thought about the collaboration needed for book design, and just thought that the designer developed their own aesthetics alongside content.

Quote 4.

Unless a coffee table book, most books are bought not for their aesthetic appeal but for the content in which they contain, and thus the front cover must be a relevant indicator of what the main theme of the book is. There should also be a consistent pattern between type and text in order to ensure the work does not appear unbalanced.

Quote 5.

The book should be design due to its content, and although it should be purposeful it is important to develop a piece in which differs to that already available on the market.

Quote 6.

Although developing this book will be a learning curve, it is important that the final piece is not only legible, but well bound and constructed to a high level. Linking the book to the concept and the concept to the form.

Quote 7.

Book size is important, with considerations needed to be made about movement. Binding is relevant, with legibility being a key factor. Ratio is important, with 3:2 being one of the strongest.

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