Friday 14 October 2016

Crime in Leeds

Talking to local councillors

In order to gather information surrounding issues within cities, I decided to contact the local councillors of Hyde Park, a designated student area in Leeds. I did this in order to gather a direct and accurate knowledge of the cities shortcomings, unfortunately no response was made towards my email.

Crime statistics in Leeds

Following this I decided to conduct research into crimes within Leeds, this in turn giving me an insight into some of the problems in which Leeds faces.

From this I discovered that drugs and burglary were one of the key issues, a factor in which can be suggested as issues in which occur when the demographic has little or no money. Drug taking is also highly common within student areas, with others taking advantage of this opportunity.

Although not the worst within the country, Leeds ranks within the top ten burglary rates, a factor in which significantly shapes the city. This is a visible factor within Hyde Park, as mental gates are frequently found shielding doors.

So why do people commit crimes? 

'The causes of crime are complex. Most people today accept that poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse are all connected in explaining why people commit crimes. Some people are simply at greater risk of becoming offenders because of the circumstances into which they are born.

Individualists tend to focus on individual weakness or lack of 'values' as the reason why people commit crimes. Ultimately if someone chooses to commit a crime, that is their responsibility.'

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