Tuesday 4 October 2016

Discussing my concept

My initial conceptual idea was to focus directly upon issues within cities, creating partitions within the book to express this.

Discussing my ideas with peers:

-Try not to make it purely analytical
-Attempt to make it comical
-Think more specifically about target audience? Would this appeal to a younger audience?
-What is the purpose of the book? to educate?
-Thinking about aesthetics- the book could contain my own graffiti.

The feedback received gave me mixed feelings about my idea, and left me feeling as if a contextual route may not be the best. Although I wanted to express my interest in analytical writings.

Discussing ideas with Simon: 

-Don't let issues override imagery-as contextual links may not appear in place.
-Comical imagery can appear alongside as it is a form of expression.
-Collect more photographs- including that of political, cultural and social issues.
-Type doesn't have to be A-Z
-Individual letter forms don't need to be specifically analyzed.

From the feedback I have uncovered I will explore further concepts, developing a manifesto for each, I will then ask my peers during Fridays crit session about which idea they believe to be the best. I will then explore target audiences for each, alongside production.

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