Saturday 1 October 2016


As the presentation was only 3 minutes I decided to showcase only a few letterforms in which explored different contexts. Some notes are depicted in a bullet point form below. 

Firstly the context was summarised with words such as individual, issues, effortless and demographic all being discussed.

  • Location-determines the relevance/context of the type. 
  • Stencil, yet still imperfect-relation to the person behind the type?
  • Graffiti- Often associated with lower demographics
  • 'D' attempting to mimic CAD type but isn't precise
  • The word wanted itself 

  • Phrase itself
  • Limited future due to social economic background
  • Shite-northern word (North stereotypically poorer)
  • Roughly etched-frustration
  • Unjoined type- lower income
  • Juxtaposition between CAD type and hand rendered  

  • Unproportionate kerning
  • Missed letterforms
  • 'C' unrecognisable on its own 
  • Struggles of a small business
  • Why support large corporations, when you can support a family.

  • Uneven/unbalanced type
  • Personal type-their handwriting
  • Jealous? 

  • Black and white- Dull/lifeless
  • Dull future with little prespority? 
  • Rigid/hard type

  • Messy style
  • Uneven/unbalanced
  • Quick rendered-advertising fast 
  • Packed kerning-suggestion of overcrowding and strain on city's resources

  • 'E' main letterform used- yet all different
  • Built from lines rather than curves
  • The word itself
  • The context in which it is in-worn-repainted  


  1. Focus directly upon social issues, and explore which are relevant to northern cities
  2. Good link between the two most prominent northern cities
  3. Could explore a colouring book theme-adult colouring book
  4. Important to have background as it explores the context of the piece 
  5. Commercial aspects lighten up the rather heavy concept

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