Saturday 1 October 2016

New brief

New Brief:

Following on from the summer brief we have been given studio brief 01 in which uses the images already correlated in order to form a book, entitled "Type in context: <name of place>".

Content considerations:

  • Research - art & photography books, grid systems, audience
  • Experiments, developments, evaluate
  • Type and layout
  • Photo quality / editing
  • Preparing your document to print

Production considerations:
  • stock
  • print method
  • binding method
  • mock ups / experiments (evaluate)
  • finishes
  • commercial considerations vs. access to resources
  • Preparing documents to be sent to print - any considerations in regards to print methods (digital or offset)
  • Understanding colour/ink and related standards and systems (CMYK, Pantone, etc.)
  • identifying spot colour, spot varnish, die cut, emboss, and other finishes in digital art work ready for print
  • what printers will be expecting - marks, bleeds, etc.

As last year I did not study the brief/marking specifications I decided to thoroughly look through it, making notes and highlighting key factors. I will also refer back to these specifications during each stage of the project.

Aims for this module include:

  • Making informed decisions about the practical development/production of my ideas. (Making design decisions based upon previous research and contextual links.) 
  • Explore design solutions, and develop mockups. 
  • Develop a professional final piece.
  • Challenge my ideas and concept

Learning outcomes:

  • 5A5-Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to information, media, format and context through the delivery of solutions to identified design problems.(Knowledge and understanding) (Research) - Issues of print runs, cost etc
  • 5A6-Understand the potential and limitations of the technologies and processes used in the production of design for print and screen based delivery. (Knowledge and understanding) (Critical awareness / technical competence)-CMYK, Screen Printing with metallics, impact of commercial production, environmental issues.  

5B4-Analyse and critically evaluate primary/secondary source material to inform the development and contextualisation of design solutions for print and screen based distribution. (Cognitive skills) (Research / critical awareness)-Durability-waterproof? Target audience and purpose. Other considerations, why have they tried to make it cheap? for the target audience? 

5C4-Select, manipulate and apply appropriate media, processes and technologies in the development, production and presentation of design solutions for print and screen. (Practical and professional skills) (Visual quality and resolution)-Applying the previous to my own practice. Audience, price, units, distribution.

5C5-Identify, evaluate and apply practical/technical processes, materials and media in order to produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes. (Practical and professional skills) (technical competence / critical awareness)-Analyse stock/printing methods/image quality.

5D4-Demonstrate the ability to communicate the development and resolution of ideas through appropriate visual and written presentation of work(Key transferable skills) (professionalism)-Clear/through submission

Questions about the brief:

During the briefing it was discussed that no every letter of the alphabet has to appear within the publication, and that it is up to the designer as an individual what material they incorporate within the book. 

The brief should be completed within 6 weeks. 

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