Sunday 23 October 2016

Binding methods available

During wednesday's sign up session there were books available in which to study, and gather a feel for. This is a factor in which is highly important as it is hard to decide upon a physical method when not being able to see its finish. From this session I gained a wider insight into how to bind books, whilst also refreshing my knowledge upon previous binds such as saddle stitch.

One of the books in which I believe to be most durable was that of a signature bind, whilst also laying flat this book structure would be ideal for the book in which I want to produce. As I was unsure upon how you bind these books I asked whether I would be able to stay behind and for Susie to show me, a factor in which I believe shows how great the resources are at LCA. 

My first mock up was very weak, and thus it must be practiced numerous times before binding my final book. I was also unsure whether I would be able to add a hardcover upon the book or whether I would have to use the same stock as my signatures. When asking Susie about this she reinsured me that both can be used although when developing a soft cover one single signature must be added to the front and back causing the book to contain four extra pages. This will definitely be a consideration when thinking about the cover of my book. Bookram was also discussed, with a brief overview being discussed.

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