Wednesday 5 October 2016

Exploring concepts

In order to ensure I am developing the most intellectually stimulating concept possible for my images, I have decided to explore a range of ideas in which have not yet been fully expressed and relate back to previous feedback sessions. These will then be scrutinized by my peers.

Concept 1: Within the project I have attempted to capture individuality through type, mainly focusing upon dense urban locations. My efforts have been focused upon both passionate and effortless forms of typography in order to capture a realistic representation of the demographics present within densely populated areas. By doing this the low income earners that often are foreshadowed within cities are highlighted. Unprivileged areas of the cities have also been used in order to oppose high rise offices, bars and cafes in which expresses large forms of generic type. Although multiple mediums have been recorded a continuous affiliation with graffiti is expressed, challenging the art/crime debate. A large conceptual presence will be applied to this book, with key annotations, a factor in which I believe would be applied to the demographic of 30-50 years.

Concept 2: My second concept follows very similar to that of my first, but the book is segregated into issues, which imagery is then applied. Again the purpose is to inform and the same demographic is targeted.

Concept 3:Concept 3 is very different to that of the previous as it offers a colouring book style approach, alongside that of issues. With a juxtaposition being created it makes the book itself endearing and more likely to be explored by the consumer. The book has a smaller written aspect, as it is celebrating type rather than unpicking the concept behind it.

Concept 4: More imagery must be taken in order to focus my project directly upon colloquial graffiti, in which is portrayed as humorous. The target audience for this would be 18-30 years.


As a small group we gave one another feedback about the conceptual basis of our books, analysing the purpose, audience and price range. 

When discussing my theories it was strongly debated whether concept 1 or 4 was the strongest, with relevant points being made for each. The theoretical basis of the book appealed far more widely to my peers, a factor in which I didn't think a younger audience would appreciate. This was also debated as it was discussed that I could make a context heavy book for that of a younger audience, as they are much more susceptible to new theories.

 As clear links have been made between both Manchester and Leeds it was also discussed that the primary printing methods of each city may be used, with a juxtaposition being developed throughout the book. This is an area in which I am unsure, as I want a clean clear book to directly represent text and image, but this idea will be explored within research.

 It was also discussed that once the book has been fully developed I could look at other ways in which to promote the idea for example an app, tshirts and magazine, all showcasing hand rendered typography. A factor in which I feel would really push my final design idea, and one I will most certainly consider. 

Next stages:

-Look closely at both a younger and older audiences, and what their preferences are. Then use this information to influence my decision upon audience. 

-Begin to research the production methods of Leeds and Manchester. 

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