Friday 28 October 2016

Layouts (cad)

A grid system was decided upon in order to express the corporate ways in which graffiti is attempted to be confined, eg the selling of banksy's pieces. This also applies to that of graffiti walls, a way in which governments have attempted to confine street art to one area. An 8x5 grid was used alongside that of 3mm guttering in order to allow the images to still maintain a playful layout. Individual layouts may be explored on each spread in order to develop an innovative book design, that engages widely with the audience. 

Composition was then explored, with the text frequently attempting to balance the image, although in some scenarios the type to image ratio appears largely off balance and thus attempts to highlight the image as the main source of information on that page.  As the demographic often communicates with imagery, for example emojis, vines, and gifts, this may appeal to them more than a daunting spread of text. Another way in which to make the design appear less daunting was by breaking the next into smaller paragraphs, in turn making it appear as if there is less text present. As the original idea for the book was to be text heavy, I belive that a more balanced approach would appeal more to that of the audience, and hence why this decision has undergone. 

One of the main ideas gathered from research was to explore a layered background in order to make it easier for the consumer to read against the bright white paper. This was explored with the colour depending upon the corresponding image. Although making the text appear easier to read, it takes away largely from the image a factor in which dampens the aesthetic of the book. As vibrant colours are also used within the image a white background would create a large contrast, an element in which will engage the consumer.

Indesign was used in order to develop the layout for the book. As the book is built from that of three signatures, and thus three books must be developed. After working out each signature including insert pages, it became apparent within the indesign workshop that you are able to form the signatures from that of one layout, a factor in which would make the entire procedure far easier. 

Flush left was used in order to promote readability, a factor in which is important within book design. Referring back to Vignelli's cannon 8-12 words will be present upon each line, again promoting readability, as any smaller/bigger is difficult to read. The edges of the paragraphs were defined and left without a rugged edge, a factor in which makes the aesthetic appear clean and professional.

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