Sunday 9 October 2016

How to analyse an image

In order to develop a good analytical paragraph for each of my images I have decided to look into image analysis, debating what factors to consider. I believe this may open my eyes to factors in which I have not previously discovered.

  • Context-The context includes any background information that will help you understand and analyze an image

  • Purpose-Purpose refers to the overall goal for creating an image. With advertisements, that goal is fairly easy to understand. 

  • Tone-In literature, tone refers to the author’s attitude toward the subject. So, with regard to images, tone can also refer to the photographer/artist’s/designer’s perspective on the issue.

  • Arrangement-Arrangement refers to the placement of images, graphics, and text in an image. There are two key elements of arrangement—location and scale. Location refers to where a text or image is placed, whereas scale refers to the relative size of the visual components.

  • Location-Typically, our eyes scan an image, text, and/or webpage from left to right and from top to bottom. 

  • Text-Text is another important element to analyze, assuming an image includes text. If it does, the text is obviously there for a purpose.

  • Colour-Color choices can really affect your audience, too. Colors can have different meanings (connotations) that implicitly portray a message. Colors can also enhance or detract from an image’s readability depending on the level of contrast used.

  • Readability-You also should think about practical concerns with color, such as whether or not the text color is contrasted well enough with the background so that it is readable.

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