Sunday 30 October 2016

Feedback from different course students

As the book is to be aimed at young creatives, not just graphic designers, feedback was also gained from that of a student interested within graffiti from creative advertising. In order to contact him, I asked upon the LCA Collaborations facebook page whether anyone would be available to give me some feedback upon my project so far.

When asking for design advice he suggested that I graffiti the cover myself, using multiple mediums in which are iconically used with street art, ie spraypaint. We also discussed advertising as a form of graffiti with a city in south Mexico even banning advertisement.  Gorilla advertisement was discussed, alongside Exit through the gift shop, a film in which explores one graffiti artists road to success.

When discussing typefaces he suggested the usage of Helvetica in order to express corporate identity throughout the book, in turn developing a juxtaposition between the free street art. Thinking directly about the format of the book it was suggested that no blurb is needed, as graffiti does not have an explanation. It was also suggested that a contents and index were not needed as this is not an information book but rather one in which you may cast your own judgment.

Gathering feedback from someone outside of graphic design was really helpful, as I found that people from different creative sectors see aesthetics differently, and imply there own subjects knowledge upon the product.

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