Sunday 23 October 2016

Second attempt at binding book

To build skills upon the binding method another, not to scale, publication was binded using the signature stitch. As some information was forgotten from that of the previous session, youtube tutorials were watched, with a coptic bind being mimicked. One tutorial in which was found to be extremely helpful was:

As well as completing the stitch the book also formulated the page layout, this giving myself an idea upon the book's layout. Although the book appeared far more durable than previously, the stitch itself was still somewhat messy. In order to tackle this another mock up will be developed using the correct gsm of stock, therefore determining how easy the bind will be to complete. The actual size of the book will also be expressed in order to gather an accurate interpretation. 

The most important factor gathered from this task was that of the signatures size, as it was discovered that an even number of pages should be used in order for the booklet to work. This then meaning that my 3x3 signature was not to work, and that my book should increase from 36 pages to 48. This was an area in which was highly confusing as now the layout had to be completely altered in order to accompany more pages. 

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