Tuesday 18 October 2016

Book sizing

In order to produce a book of good design I re-read 'the form of the book'. From this there are clear rules surrounding that of book sizing. First of all square books are impractical, and 'ugly', two factors in which I certainly don't want my book to contain. Books should typically have a ratio of 2:3 or 3:4, with anything wider being difficult to hold. It was also stated that the book's width should not be longer than 24 cm as this will cause storing difficulties. Also the sizes A5/A4 are very generic and will not get your book noticed.

As I was unsure about the measurements in which I wanted my book to be I decided to visit the library and measure books in which I felt suiting. Due to my images being taken upon the iPhone 6, I felt that a smaller book would allow for a higher resolution of image, thus my efforts were focused upon books in which were smaller than A4.

14.5cm x 21cm 

15cm x 21cm 
Easy to flick through, this book size is symplistic and frequently used, a factor in which may mean my book will not stand out upon the self. 

19.5cm x23cm

23cm x 21cm
This book's structure explores a semi landscape structure, in which would allow the consumer to easily access the book.

21cm x 25cm

19 x 17cm
As my book will not contain multiple pages I believe that a small book would be more suiting as it will feel proportnate. I also believe that using a smaller book would be more environmentally friendly, as less paper will be used. 


From completing this exercise I believe that I have gathered a greater insight into the format of my book, the way in which I want it to appeal to the consumer, its shape, and environmental impact.

I have decided that a book smaller than A4 would be both environmental, and cost friendly. Two factors in which widely apply to that of a younger demographic.I have also concluded that a smaller book would allow my pages to be proportionate. I will not make a final decision until I have discussed sizes with the book binding technician.

In order to sure that I was developing a product in which a younger consumer would enjoy, I decided to ask individuals about the sizings of books, and which they felt to be the most suiting to that of a younger consumer. I did this by showing a few of my peers the books in which I collected from the library, this in turn allowing them to gain a 'feel' of the book. My results are shown within the image below.

From my results I discovered that the 19cm x17cm was the most appreciated book size, with the majority voting on this size. As this was one of my preferred sizes I am happy with this outcome, especially as it is more environmental than that of the others. My next issue is whether my binding method will comply to this format. This will be discussed with the technician. 

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