Sunday 30 October 2016

Research into sleeves/plastic covers

Protective in nature, box's are a great way in which to store expensive books. This method also works extremely well when creating individual pints. 

A soft box has been used in this instance in order to protect the book and develop a sense of formality. This method is easy to use and can allow for writing to be present upon the spine, this therefore allowing it to be recognisable upon a bookshelf.

This approach explores a die cut approach, in which allows the logo to appear present. The box protects the book itself, as well as being a decorative item. 

Sleeves are another form of protection but can also appear decorative. They can maintain any image or text relating to the cover. The above sleeve explores that of a half sleeve. 

In this instance a plastic sleeve has been used in order to protect the book, and make it waterproof. This also ensures that it is not affected when stored.

This primary research was conducted whereby a half sleeve was used. I believe this to be effective and add a more decorative nature to the book rather than a full sleeve. This may also cause the book to be more interesting.

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