Sunday 23 October 2016

Layout drawings

From the research collected some interesting spreads were developed, focusing upon the text/image combination.  For these spreads to remain high quality full bleed must be used when developing the book.

Two ideas occurred when thinking about the way in which the book may be formatted. Firstly a generic book structure in which focuses upon that of a chronological format, reading left to right. And secondly, a book in which focuses upon an unconventional order. Starting from the middle of the book, the introduction is placed, with one side expressing manchester and the other leeds. To complete this book an index must be placed at the beginning in order to inform the consumer about the book's layout. On other key factor is that the binding method does not allow the book to initially open on the middle page initially, a factor in which some books maintain.

As I was unsure about the way in which the book was to be expressed feedback was gathered from a crit. From this it was suggested that the information may not appear as relevant when expressed within this format, and it may take away from the imagery. It was also suggested that graffiti may be expressed a different way throughout the book, for example the cover. Due to this a generic layout was decided upon.

The layouts themselves focus upon different sections of the page, not only does this make an engaging read for the consumer, but it also depicts the movement of graffiti throughout the cities, and how in some areas it covers every inch.

Image and text were not defined to one page each a factor in which makes the consumer work for the information, a factor in which both millennials and generation X can appreciate. This also applies to people within British culture reading from left to right.

Working closely with the images and spread layout it was determined that this would be the appropriate layout. The layout itself follows this format:

  • 3 insert pages
  • 2 spread contents
  • 2 spread into
  • 17 pages of main text and image combo
  • the index 
  • and inserts 

Using this format allowed me to develop a structure in which the book's layout will follow. Focusing upon six main layouts, a rotation has been developed in order to ensure every page is deemed engaging. In some instances the images bleed over two pages, a factor in which has been considered alongside the bind. Although this is the basis of my structure it may be explored generally using Indesign. 

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