Sunday 30 October 2016

Group Feedback for mock up

When taking the mock up to the critique a brief introduction was made surrounding the book and comments already gained. As one of my main issues was that I was unsure on how to develop the books cover, this was a main focus. The mock ups from previous were shown, with a brief summary being made around each.

The idea of having no title was commended, with it relating widely to the concept. It was also stated that on the Village Bookstore website the method and reasoning behind the books production is stated, a factor in which would embed the concept further. Although no title was to be placed upon the outside, it was suggested that it should be placed inside the book.

In order to engage the consumer, there was a suggestion being made that a 'this book belongs to' page should be included, whereby the consumer is given the opportunity to graffiti their own book. Although I like this idea, I belive that the target audience become young adults would find this somewhat patronising and thus would not be intrigued by its nostalgic value.

Simon also suggested that the cover may be explored with every 100 copies containing a different sleeve, this in turn making the design a collectors item.

The wrapped up-disposable idea was highly liked and voted as the best concept in which to follow. One issue in which I had with is is that acetate cannot be folded and thus I do not think it could be produced with the university's facilities. Another issue is that the plastic goes against my ethos as a designer and developing environmentally friendly design, due to this material must be explored.

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