Saturday 15 October 2016

What should my book structure be and crit?

To give myself a stronger idea upon methods in which my book may be constructed I completed a few illustrations in order to determine which design would appear most appropriate to my concept. Initially I thought that the structure of a perfect bound book was the most reliable and a safe option, with it also being easy for consumer to access. But when suggesting this to my crit group it was stated that when making your own perfect bound book the pages often fall out, a factor in which would mean my books durability would be weak, although it was stated that on an industrial level this would not happen. Due to this I believe that a perfect bound book will not be the way forward as production is a key part of this project.  

Following on from this, as a group, we discussed options in which were durable. Binds in which were suggested to be this include signature and coptic binding. These two methods allow for the book to lie flat on every page, a factor in which is important as my book will contain a lot of text. Being made out of multiple books printing structure is an element in which must be discussed.

It was also noted that curved spines are often much better than that of flat spines, as they keep all pages in place. This will be discussed further with the technicians.

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