Sunday 23 October 2016

Actual size mock up

An accurate sized mock up was developed using 48 pages, the now correct size for the book. The correct dimensions were also used in order to express the actual format of the book, Although the actual paper was not used, a cheap environmental paper was used, in which maintains the same gsm. This was decided as environmental factors are essential to my practice and ethics as a designer.

The bind itself was constructed far more professionally, with the coptics appearing present. Although the coptic approach is used, not enough signatures are in place for the design to be fully effective, and thus the bind itself appears somewhat half hearted. A solution to this may be adding either a soft or hard cover. This would also allow for the contents to be protected.

One factor in which must be considered is that the bind appears present once in every signature, this must be thought about thoroughly when completing layout designs as this may appear unprofessional if an image is stretched across two pages. 

Numbers were also placed upon the pages in order to gather a further sense of structure and of what will appear upon each page. 

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