Sunday 9 October 2016

Urban location books

 To gather a more accurate interpretation of urban life, I decided to read books specifically upon urban expansion and issues. By doing this I hope to gather a greater understanding upon the topic area which may inturn help me analyse my imagery.

Focusing upon the outcomes of urban growth, this book explores social, environmental and political issues within a city's landscape. One of the underlying themes is that of the wealth rapidly decreasing within cities over the next century. "In 2030, the world's population will be a staggering eight billion people. Of these, two-thirds will live in cities; most will be poor. With limited resources, this unbalanced growth will be one of the greatest challenges faced by societies across the globe. In the coming years, city authorities, urban planners, designers, economists and others will have to join forces to avoid a major social and economic catastrophe and to ensure that these expanding megacities will be habitable." This quote therefore suggesting that the issues within cities are not to resolve themselves and will gradually get worse, a factor in which will not just effect the poor but every person living within the city. 

The relevance of cities growth also suggests a global change, not just a local. "As cities can no longer be seen as isolated, self-sufficient entities, their current and ongoing problems may be anticipated to bear a massive impact at global level". In turn causing global uproar and economic changes. Not only will this affect the UK's economy but also that of Europe and America, two powerhouses in which control the worlds trade. 

Although not gaining a massive influence over my project key factors from this book will inform the content present within my own. The terminology used is insightful and appears trustworthy, two factors in which I want my book to contain. I may look at the writing patterns when developing my own content. 

Focusing upon urban planning this book explains key concepts in which attempt to show how a city can respect both people and the environment. A large basis of the book is challenging overpopulation and its lasting effects upon the city.  Environmental issues are also tackled with the reasonings behind this being explored. Although not directly focusing upon the topic of my context I belive that this book has given me a far greater knowledge of the future of cities and the people within them. The daunting future could be explained within my book, although I believe the strongest aspect I have gathered is the knowledge of what builds a city and the areas in which lack. This may be discussed within my image descriptions.

"The urban population is increasing at a rate of a quarter of a million people per day". -This quote shows the extent to which cities are growing, figures may be used like this within my book-although this is likely to give my book a 'sell by date' as this figure may not be an accurate representation in 5 years time.

"isn't it iconic that mankind's habitat -our cities- is the major destroyer of our ecosystem and the greatest threat to humankind's survival on the planet".  -This is possibly one of my favourite quotes from the book as it expresses a daunting truth.

"The survival of society has always depended upon safeguarding the equilibrium between the variables of population, resources and environment. "

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