Friday 7 October 2016

Generation Z & Millennials (18-30 years)

Similar to previous research I decided to collect information to build a demographic profile for 18-30 year olds, this involves focusing upon two groups 'generation x' and millennials. From doing this I will be able to develop connections between the two and create a precise demographic for 18-30 year olds.

Generation Z

Generation Z are the cohort of people born after the Millennials. The generation is generally defined with birth years ranging from the mid to late 1990s through the 2010s

  • By 2020 Generation Z will account for 30% of all consumers. 
  • Gen Z are adept researchers. They know how to self-educate and find information. Thirty-three percent watch lessons online, 20% read textbooks on tablets, and 32% work with classmates online.
  • The average Gen Zer has the attention span of about eight seconds. They have grown up at a time when they're being served media and messaging from all angles, and have adapted to quickly sorting through and assessing enormous amounts of information. 
  • Gen Zers are do-gooders; they want to make a difference in the world. Sixty percent want their jobs to impact the world, 26% of 16- to 19-year-olds currently volunteer, and 76% are concerned about humanity's impact on the planet. 
  • 89% say they spend part of their free time in activities they consider productive and creative instead of just “hanging out”.
  • Nearly 50% of Gen Z students are participating in internships for the purpose of advancing themselves professionally in high school. 
  • 50% of Gen Z’s will be university educated compared to 33% of millennials and 25% of Gen X.

Generation Z are 'go getters' with a large proportion of their actions being made towards the future. 50% of them will have a degree, with self learning being a main influence with their rise in intelligence. Their attention span is around 8 seconds. 


Millennials, young people 30 and under, are coming of age in a world vastly different from that of their parents and grandparents. The Millennial generation is diverse, technologically savy, open minded, and committed to sexual health and rights.

  • In 2015 Millennials are making up a quarter of the UK population and they are predicted to hit the 17 million mark by 2019
  • 80% of UK 18-28 year olds are saying that being knowledgeable is important to them
  • 70% of young people agree they are “impatient”. 
  • Almost all (94%) of UK Millennials feel it’s important to have a unique identity.
  • 81% of 18-24s relate to brand campaigns more if they use “real” people as opposed to celebrities or models. 
  • 58% of 18-30 year old claim to have an interest in politics
  • 59% of 18-34 year olds don’t have children

Making up a quarter of the population this demographic is one of the largest. Knowledge is important to this demographic with around 33% attending university, a far higher proportion than the x generation. They are interested in social and political issues and feel that 'real' people advertise products much more convincingly. The majority also do not have children which means they are most likely to have a disposable income. 

Developing similarities between the two

As I am focusing my efforts upon 18-30 years, two groups are targeted, z generation and millennials. As they have slight differences I have decided to list some of their similarities in order to develop a solid demographic profile. Some of these similarities are listed below.  

  • Together they make up around a third of the population, one of the biggest. 
  • They believe in self education and the importance of knowledge. 
  • A large percent of the population has had a university standard education.
  • 8 seconds is their average attention span. 
  • The majority do not have children and thus are most likely to have a disposable income.  
  • 60% have an interest in politics. 
  • They are caring and are concerned about the environmental impact on the planet. 
  • 60% want their future jobs to have an impact upon the world. 

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