Sunday 23 October 2016


When referring back to previous research it was suggested that off white stock is easier to read mass text from rather than white. Due to this a range of paper stocks were explored, other comments were also gathered from that of a critique.

When testing the papers myself I found that when mass paragraphs were presented it was far easier to read off that of the off white, rather than white, although stating this the text appealed more to read upon the white paper. Embossed papers were also explored but felt very bulky and old fashioned, two factors in which would not appeal to that of a younger audience.

In order to gather a stronger perspective the stock was taken to that of a critique, where the follwing comments were made:

  • Off-white stock has large connotations to that of novels rather than factual books and has very rare associations with photography books.
  • White stock allows the images to appear far more impactful, a factor in which would entice the target audience. 
  • Attempt breaking the text up into smaller sections, this may promote legibility. 

As a certain level of uncertainty remained surrounding paper stock it was decided that books directly aimed at young people should be analysed in order to gather a greater stance upon the stocks used.

The City Talking Fashion

Distributed within Belgrave, a highly populated student restaurant, this free magazine clearly is targeted at a younger demographic, with many key speakers being of a younger age. The magazine itself is built from that of white stock, even the cover. Although when mass text is present it frequently is layered upon printed colours, a factor which in turn allows the text to be legible as well as allowing the imagery to be impactful.


Independent student magazine, Uprise, again follows the same basic structure of that of white paper. Not only does this make the images contrasting but it also ensures that the colour palette is the same as intended with off white stock often manipulating the colour slightly.

From both the critique and research it is fair to suggest that a younger audience is more likely to be involved with a design in which is built from that of white stock. Although this is the case, it may cause the text to be difficult to read and thus a solution must be made. Examples of this include, adding a layer of colour like within 'the city talking fashion' or to ensure that the paragraphs themselves are not too dense.

White stock

After deciding upon white stock there were still considerations to be made, these including:

-environmental factors
-gloss/satin and matt

One key consideration made was that of gloss paper, as when discussing printing with the technician it was found that you are only able to print upon one side of gloss paper, a factor in which would sacrifice the next pages images, creating inconsistency. Due to this gloss was decided against, a factor in which was suiting as gloss paper is harder to recycle and thus affects the environment. 

Three gsm's were explored with in order to determine which was most suiting, with the 100gm being slightly opaque this was disqualified immediately. The 300gsm was very thick and thus when folded left a mark, a factor in which would made the book appear cheap and unprofessional, using this card would also be very costly. And thus the middle stock was decided upon for weight. 

Environmental factors

In order to gather a greater stance upon the paper industry I got into contact with a professional from the company DS Smith, who is currently doing a student placement in environmental awareness. I asked the following questions and got these responses:

What are the environmental considerations for bleaching paper?
-water usage with vast water being contaminated, this is also filtered before entering any rivers.
-how the chemical is stored is also important, as if not stored correctly can have damaging effects.

How many times can paper be recycled?
7 times, as the fibres are too small to use after the 7th process.

He also stated that all paper comes originally from trees, recycled or not, so one of your strongest options is to get paper from a company in which is ethical about the ways in which they use paper, and also have a sustainable source of trees.

Following on from this I decided to conduct some research into company in which only take from a sustainable sources. Some companies and their ethos are listed below:

lindenmeyr munroe

'Lindenmeyr Munroe has taken significant steps towards reducing our environmental footprint by implementing recycling programs, investing in energy and fuel saving technologies, and partnering with the right organizations to help achieve our environmental goals. In 2009, many of our distribution facilities installed high efficiency lights that are motion activated to help reduce our electricity consumption by as much as 40%. Lindenmeyr Munroe was the first paper merchant to join the SmartWay Transportation Partnership, an innovative collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the freight service industry, designed to increase energy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution. Our commitment to reduce fossil fuel consumption is demonstrated through the purchase of bio-fuels and our SmartWay Transportation Partnership, which maximizes the efficiency of our delivery trucks.'

Premier paper group

'The Premier Paper Group believes that a responsible commercial approach to the various environmental, social and ethical issues resulting from its activities is essential.

We are, therefore, committed to integrating environmental management into our entire range of business activities.

Our policy is to:

-Ensure that our operations comply with all relevant legal requirements and other requirements and endeavour to exceed minimum requirements where appropriate

-Vigorously promote the group’s Carbon Capture initiative. Enabling the creation of new natural woodland via the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme

-Ensure retention of the ISO 14001 standard, by defining environmental improvements and setting targets to be achieved year on year, within our ongoing operational management

-Endeavour to meet the standards required to achieve and maintain ‘Chain of Custody’ accreditation for FSC and PEFC products

-Ensure that the products we sell and promote are sourced using defined environmental criteria and encourage all our suppliers to strive for environmental excellence

-Actively monitor the claims of our suppliers in respect of environmental issues

-Work to reduce waste arising from our activities and promote a higher percentage of re-use and recycling in all areas of our business

-Ensure that this policy and related initiatives are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organisation, and that they are supported through suitable education and training

-Review and up-date this policy as necessary to help safeguard the environment'


'We are committed to recycling and managing our waste properly
We support forestry certifications that are socially beneficial and viable through our Chain-of-Custody certifications
We reduce our carbon footprint by seeking compliance with a variety of ongoing, positive initiatives'

Attempting to get paper from these merchants

When attempting to get paper from these merchants I faced multiple issues, mainly that they sell purely to industry and thus only offer large packages rather than small amounts. When looking specifically at premier paper I discovered that they actually work in alliance with GF Smith, this meaning at GF Smith contain the same ethos, as this was stated in the company's environmental specifications.

Due to this I belive that it is acceptable to use GF Smith's paper when developing my book, as they are focused upon sustainability, and the environment.  The relevant information can be found at:

So what specific stock?

After a large debate with that of my peers it was decided that the stock 'pristine white' would be used at 200gsm. This paper being decided upon due to its matt finish, bright contrast and absorbing nature. The gsm was chosen in order to lessen cracking, yet to block the ink from transferring to the reverse.

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