Sunday 30 October 2016

First feedback from mock up

After completing the mock up feedback was gathered in order to alter the designs faults. When firstly developing the mock up no bone fold was used, a factor in which Simon suggested in order to protect the image quality. He also suggested that a softer stock would absorb ink, although he believed that using a bone fold would resolve this problem.  Simon also suggested that the type size of 12pt was too large, especially due to the size of the book, and suggested  a pt size of 8-10. He also suggested that the type was set efficiently and was easy to read. Although Simon liked the idea of the page numbers, he suggested that they should be completely random and explored across the whole page, this is a factor in which I will consider when designing further. Another suggestion made was that the titles should all be the same size, one in which is relatively small, as otherwise attention is drawn from the image. This is a factor in which I completely agree with.

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