Wednesday 30 November 2016

Further deliverables-YCN

As the selected competition is popular it is important that the designs developed are unique and stand out from that of others. In order to do this further deliverables may be developed rather than just the mandatories. The pattern may be easily added to other elements in which may be expressed digitally or physically, completing this would give my designs a greater chance of being selected.

Print methods were also further explored, with monoprint and foiling being discussed. As this is a student competition it is fair to suggest that the printing method will be defined to their university. The usage of letterpress would then be in this instance a strong way in which to gain attention, as many institutions do not have this printing method. Traditional, this design method would also give a classic edge to my work.

Layout-before wireframes and crit

Before wireframes can be explored a visual identity must be created for the app in order to gain a stance upon the design layout. It is important to explore with different layouts first in order to gain a design perspective in which does not differ too far from the original app but express a fresh and innovative design. As multiple people already use the app certain design elements should remain the same ie typography.

The ways in which the app may be formulated were explored alongside multiple layout formats. It was decided that the information had to be clear, bold, and easy to select. The consumer must also be able to see the information directly and not have to search through burger bars etc. This being highly important as it was suggested by a peer that a burger bar deters consumers as they have to actively search harder for information. It was also suggested that information should be expressed throughout a similar pattern on each page. 

Extra elements were also designed, in an instance whereby the three components of the app are not used, and only certain aspects are. It is important to complete this as consumers may use the card aspect but not the ID for example. 

When discussing transitions with my peers it was stated that pages should be developed incase certain elements of the app don't work, for example if a password is forgotten. This therefore ensures that the consumers feel comfortable with the app, and its security. It was also discussed that information appears far more relevant when it is expressed over an entire spread and thus this will be embedded further. It was also suggested that squares with curved edges appear more friendly than squares themselves. It was also suggested that an extra card holder should be put in place for any other cards. Although this idea seems good, I believe that it would be incredibly difficult for a company to open a digital space when the contents is unknown. This would also leave naming and security details at risk. 

Visual representation of transitions/layouts

In order to effectively tackle the way in which the app will work/look a diagram was developed. This appears somewhat similar to an visual representation of a sitemap. Using transitions the app works effectively, with added elements being in place for when certain elements of the app do not work. Transitions were explored, allowing the consumer to get to previous and the landing page easily. The layout of the app is also repeated and thus the general set up is not overly difficult.

When developing layouts a constant style has been used, this is to ensure that relevant information easy to find, bars are also placed within a similar situation in order to express similarity. Links to other websites may be used. 

When discussing this design with my peers it was suggested that other situations should be designed for, ie if a security risk has been breached. It was also stated that it is good that the general set up has been tackled in this way and that a similar everyday format has been expressed. 

These designs express the ways in which the homepage will appear if only certain elements of the app are used, and how hierarchy will appear. This was expressed for only one app, and two apps in action. This therefore expressing an real app aspect to the design. 

Designs have also been expressed for the everyday usage of the app. From this only 3 layouts are needed, a factor in which is fast and effective. The final layout is also a completion and thus appears after the method, effectively expressing the payment through two clicks.  

When discussing this with my peers it was suggested how the app would become apparent within the task bar, and thus was suggested that in a certain elements of the app this should be clearly displayed. This information will be expressed in the wireframes. 

Sight map

This sitemap has been developed in order to express the amount of transitions within the app and how this is routed to the consumer. Multiple approaches have been explored, including sitemaps in which express 'before set up' and 'after set up' rules. The app has been condensed in the most simple way in order to limit click counts and time. This works most successfully after the app has been set it.

When discussing this with peers it was suggested that the app should express a repeated pattern in order to link the designs back to the home page. This was then completed and expressed below.

This design explores a way in which the app may use limited transitions in order to get to one aspect of the app from another. The information should also be easily reversed. Two different ideas have been expressed 'before' and 'after' set up, this is in order to make the application  easier to use, and for the click count to be limited. To ensure further security, the app also would get you to ring the bank to confirm your card, and to use the Gov. website to check the validity of your licence. Using this design to help me, initial layouts will now be developed. 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

After Effects

Motion blur

To apply motion blur the above two buttons must be selected, as the original will not work without the master.

Adjustment layer (effects everything below it)

Layer-new -adjustment layer

you can then drag effects onto this later in order to manipulate the design

How to open work

File open footage, new composition-PAL DV1 WIDESCREEN PIXELS-drag image in-place square over-apply trac matt-add image.


Why would they engage?In order to make their lifestyle easier, to appear tech savvy. 

Specific goal? To allow the consumer access to their bank, ID, and receipts.

Personal/professional?Personal usage. 

Essential/luxury?More of a luxury

Familiar product?Or need to be introduced? Some may be familiar to the product, but the consumers will be relatively new

What differentiates the product from the competitors? Targeted at a younger audience, Other aspects ID, receipts etc


To gather a greater stance upon the consumer market one to one research was conducted within an interview style. The questions asked are recorded below:

  • Whats your Age?
  • Whats your Gender?
  • Whats your Sexual orientation?
  • Whats your County of birth?
  • Whats your Nationality?
  • Country of residence?
  • Urban/rural?
  • What devices do you own?
  • Do you currently use apple pay?
  • Would you use apple pay?


Age: 21
Gender: female
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Country of birth: England 
County of residence: West Yorkshire
Urban/Rural: Urban 
Devices:IPhone, Macbook
Do you currently use apple pay?:No
Would you use apple pay?:Maybe


Sexual orientation: homosexual
Country of birth: England
Nationality: English
Country of residence: West Yorkshire
Urban/Rural: Urban
Devices: Iphone 5s, Macbook, IMac
Do you currently use apple pay?: Yes
Would you use apple pay?: N/A


Sexual orientation:heterosexual
Country of birth:Wales
Country of residence:Carmarthen
Devices:Iphone 6, Toshiba laptop, Ipad
Do you currently use apple pay?:No
Would you use apple pay?:Yes


Sexual orientation:heterosexual
Country of birth:Wales
Country of residence:Stoke On Trent
Devices:Iphone 6, Ipad
Do you currently use apple pay?:No
Would you use apple pay?:Yes


Sexual orientation:heterosexual
Country of birth:Wales
Country of residence:Carmarthen 
Devices:Iphone 6
Do you currently use apple pay?:No
Would you use apple pay?:No


Sexual orientation:heterosexual
Country of birth:England
Country of residence:Cheshire
Devices:Ipone, Ipad
Do you currently use apple pay?:no
Would you use apple pay?:yes

Unique users

To gather a greater idea upon how many people use apple pay, some calculations were expressed. These can be seen below. 
  • only one person in 20 who have the service use it when they can
  • 60 million people own an iPhone 6/6+ 
This meaning, that in theory there is 120,000 consumers. 

The consumer market for this product is already large, although the consumers are generally older. To gain a larger audience it is important that key issues mentioned previously are tackled. As the app has to be downloaded it is fair to suggest that these results do not focus upon page impressions. 

User experience

Although the app is important, it is not essential to everyday life and thus the question must be asked 'what will the consumer gain from using the product?'. Rather than using the app to live, the app provides a sense of security, as important items can be retried within an instant. This allows the consumer to feel safer than if they didn't have this product. In some instances the consumer is likely to forget such credentials, but still have their phone. In these instances a sense of relief is developed from the app. One other key factor is that of appear tech savvy, and appearing advanced/professional, the app allows for a smooth transition in which plays upon this idea.

Feelings in which are protected through the app:


Monday 28 November 2016

Stepping away from the traditional

In an attempt to make my work different from that of my competitors, a list was created of generic designs in which are frequently used in stationary sets. Current trends were also highlighted for example cactus's. Doing this exercise has allowed myself to think outside of the box, and hopefully develop a design in which is widely different to that of the competitors.

The opposite side of the spectrum was also explored, with differing designs being highlighted. One of the main concepts gained from this was that of political/feminist design, and how they are not widely incorporated within stationary sets. These may be explored throughout the design process.

Card Occasions

When initially thinking about cards, a range of ideas were explored. First of all two mind maps were developed in which express traditional cards and ambiguous cards. Lists were derived from this thinking about innovative card ideas. Traditional card ideas included that of christmas and birthdays, whereas ambiguous ideas included gay marriage cards, and a card from your dog. 

Sets were then thought about, as the products have to be made in sets of four, all in which coincide with one another. Groups were derived including a traditional range, comical and life orientated. Comical designs explored the usage traditional British humour, turing positives into negatives. This may widely appeal to a younger demographic, although may be difficult to produce as part of a set. As there are still large uncertainties of the theme, this will be tackled further through research and mind maps. 

App Design

A burger bar has been used in this instance in order to section information. Although a good way in which to contain mass information, I do not believe that this would be suitable for my design. At least not to store the most important information, but rather to contain guidelines etc. 

Colour has been widely used in this instance in order to express separate elements of the app. The design is bright and cheerful, although the colour palette appears somewhat immature. 

From looking at this apps design, it made me think whether infographic may be used in order to express expenditure This may be a component in which is researched further. 

Key elements of the app has been highlighted with colour in order to indicate certain aspects of the app. 

Colour has been used unsuccessfully in this instance as the red tones distract from the iconography. The colour does not indicate, only decorates. 

Clear sections of this app have been divided using that of shape and colour. The squares used are large, and thus are easily to click on using your finger.

Although visually engaging too many tones have been used in this app in order to express a clean, clear design. Due to this primary colours will be used when designing.  

Two tone apps are often successful and work efficiently. They do not distract, only inform. 

Multiple colours have been used in this instance but all work conjointly to different aspects of the app and thus work successfully. 

Own brief for YCN

As the initial brief was very open and no target audience was selected, it was decided to develop my own specific brief in which outlines these. This in turn allowing the project to appear more concise and regulated.

UK Greetings competitors

Card Factory

With cheap cards and multiple outlets, card factory is becoming one of the biggest card outlets in the UK. Whereas UK Greetings contains a precise beauty, card factory offers a less impactive cheap alternative. Whereas UK Greetings may be bought for a special occasion, card factory is bought for that everyday card ie 'the neighbours birthday card'.


Ease of purchase is one of the key selling methods in which Tesco offers to the consumer. Whilst doing your weekly shop, you are able to pick up a card for any pressing engagement. As supermarkets are often open 24 hours this is also a signifier. 

Clinton Cards

Another high end market retail brand, Clinton cards isUK Greetings main competitor. 

Who is the target market for UK Greetings?

From looking at the shop both physically and online it is evident that the market is that of an older audience. Products cannot be bought online and thus this suggests the physical movement of entering a shop, a factor in which an older consumer is more likely to do. The prices of the products also suggest an older audience, as they are somewhat expensive.

Specific audience?

From the research gathered I would suggest that the typical audience for UK greetings is that of a 40+ female. The idea of a female being the lead buyer of this product is that they are usually the ones in which buy the cards, the general aesthetic is also targets a more feminine audience. The demographic profile would be that of ABC1.

How can I challenge this?

To gather a wider audience for the store, it has been decided that the product in which I will create will be aimed at that of a younger demographic (18-25). This in turn challenging the re-existing consumer market. 

Brands in which UK Greetings stock

In order to gather a greater stance upon what UK Greetings already has available, it was decided to research into the brands in which they currently stock within their shops.  This also gives a clear indication on what there style as a brand is, and their ethos. 

"Celebratory and fun, conversational and vibrant, playful and spontaneous photography, typography and friendly little cute characters, all play a part in our modern and relevant Carlton brand that captures the spirit of life as we live it today. "

Vibrant in colour these cards express a fun, impactive design in which engages the audience, and draws their attention towards the cards. Florals are often indicated in this card range, and generally appear more feminine. 

"is all about beautifully crafted, meaningful words brought to life through illustration, photography and delicate design – a Gibson card is perfect for telling the ones you love just how much they mean"

Traditional in style, these card formats appear to be targeted at a older generation with the general aesthetic appearing dated. The general target audience for this card would be 55+. The language used to connote information is often poetry, another factor in which embeds this further. 

"A fabulous feast of fresh and funny cards for all tastes, lovingly prepared by our award-winning team of experts in our very own humour lab! Whatever tickles your fancy, we've got it on the menu!"

Targeted a more younger generation the commical aspects relating to these cards allows them an edge upon competitors. 

"captures fine art, expressive illustration and striking photography from featured artists and galleries, including Tate, Eric Carle and Roald Dahl – the eclectic range is carefully curated for an audience who appreciates art."

Targeting the individuals interested within art, these cards showcase numerous pieces of art in a card format. This form of card is for someone who you know well, and know their interests. 

"where quality and great value come together in an expertly balanced line that combines winning traditional, contemporary, humorous and cute design styles with loving and heartfelt, as well as short and sweet, messages."

Relaxed in style this card range is for a younger audience, whether this be receiving or giving. The usage of colours is bright in order to engage the consumer. 

"our dedicated brand for boxed Christmas and Easter cards. On-trend and innovative, classic and contemporary, as well as the wonderfully traditional, Special Editions boasts a diverse portfolio that raises invaluable funds for many charities."

Charity cards in which are developed for christian holidays. 

"feature striking designs inspired by current fashion and lifestyle trends. From bold geometric prints to cute and whimsical characters to contemporary florals, our gift wrap and bags are the perfect packaging for every gift."

Focusing primarily on gift wrap and bags, the brands vibrant nature attracts consumers of all ages. 

"Made from 100% love and cuddles, Boofle is all that a snugglesome pup should be! Boofle is there whatever the celebration, and because he’s such a loveable pup he has his own loyal army of fans across the country!"

"A unique collection of elegant artworks from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) archives have been brought to life in a stunning collection of greeting cards and gift dressings. "

Entry details

Entry Details

• The deadline for submitting work is 11.59PM GMT on Thursday 23rd March 2017.
• There is no entry fee to submit work.
You do not need to be a Member of YCN to enter.
• You can respond to as many briefs as you wish. You may also submit more than one response per brief.
• All submissions must be in the English language.
• You may submit work as an individual or as a team. Teams can consist of as many people as you wish.
• Logos and other information listed in individual briefs, can be found online in Project Packs that accompany each brief.
• All entries must be submitted via the YCN digital uploader — live from January 2017.

All entries must be presented digitally, via our digital entry uploader. You should demonstrate your work in as much detail as possible. The best way to do this is to present it all in a single PDF with lots of big visuals and supporting written descriptions. Any related digital elements (such as films or animations) can be supplied alongside this PDF.

You may submit supporting physical items if you wish. You are welcome to post or hand deliver to YCN items to support your digital submission. Each should be clearly labelled with your name and contact details.  Our address is YCN Student Awards, 72 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3AY.

-Must be submitted digitally although you are able to send physical copies. 
-Free Entry
-English language 

Sunday 27 November 2016

Stationary research

Photographic these cards explore a timeless feel, this being further embedded with the copper casing. Being developed through a 35mm format, the images are engaging and relate to an older period of time. The black and white approach also makes the product appear clear and crisp.

Following a geometric pattern this set of notebooks use colour in order to differentiate from one another. Screenprint has been used in order to express the metallics used, a factor in which makes this product different from others.

Brown paper has been used in this instance in order to promote an handmade/environmentally conscious aspect. The limited colour palette expresses simplicity, a factor in which expresses this deisgn as being personal.

Following a corporate aspect, this image express a designer's merchandise. In order to keep consistency the same logo has been used throughout, this also applies to stock and colour. 

A clear colour palette embeds these pieces as a set. Working individually and as a collective, these designs can be sold separately or as part of a set. This must be considered when developing my own stationery set. 

This envelop deisgn is a piece of artwork in itself. Using a fun illustrative style, this product uses all aspects of the envelope in order to express something in which appears visually engaging. 

Again the envelop deisgn has been designed in a way in which relates to the inside product. Rather than the envelop being discarded this approach makes you want to keep the envelope as well as the card.

Similar to the above designs the envelope has been used in order to express further contextuality to the card. As envelopes are often boring, I belive that this design is a factor in which the judges would appreciate. 

Consistency is clearly present between the two products. 

The boundaries of what is expected from a card/envelope should be challenged in order to express a product in which differs greatly from that of others. 

Constant colour schemes and illustrative styles should be used throughout a set in order to clearly express it as a set. The product should also work individually. 

Fastening mechanisms are also a relevant factor. Bringing back traditional methods is often a strong starting point, as trends tend to re-occur, this may also make the design appear vintage. 

The same materials should be used throughout, containing the same gsm size. This is important as otherwise the designs may not be seen as a set. 

Foiling is a design factor in which is highly engaging, and would also not be used that often in the competition, due to this foiling may be explored.

Shape is also a factor in which is often not thought about and thus it is important that this is considered as it may allow for a visually engaging piece.

Screenprint has been used to produce this product and thus the colour used largely differ from that of CMYK.

Animals are often relatable to humans, and thus using them in this instance is a way in which to engage the consumer.

Envelope deisgn has again been used in order to express design continuity. 

A large trend at the moment is occurring with the colours black and rose gold, this has been successfully tackled in this instance.

Colour is the engaging counterpart within this design and appears 

Screenprint has again been used in this instance in order to gather a greater stance in the market.

Collage is a key point in which makes a deign appear personally developed. This also creates a more personal touch.