Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Problem: lack of young people knowing their risks of CHD 

When thinking about the problem in which is faced initial solutions were highlighted. These would be ways in which to target a younger audience effectively, promoting knowledge and understanding of CHD.

The first idea was that of a video campaign. When thinking about the target audience, of young people, it became apparent that less young people watch tv as they often source their own entertainment using a laptop. As the demographic is more likely to watch platforms such as netflix this is an area in which may not effect the consumer.

The second idea was developing some form of user interface in order to engage the consumer. This could be to complete a range of social medias, a website or an app.

The 3rd idea was a printed publication. Although this would give direct information I am unsure whether a young person would actually pick up the publication and read it.

The fourth idea is that of a poster campaign. The campaign would involve statistics in order to promote a hard hitting approach to that of the consumer.


When discussing my ideas with my peers they suggested that as this is a campaign I should look closely at how I could involve multiple elements from the above list within the design. This therefore ensuring that the collection is promoted to a younger audience effectively. Although stating this my peers did suggest that by using a user interface it would promote the idea through a network in which a younger demographic spend mass time upon.

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