Sunday, 14 May 2017

Poster structure

 From the original drawing the basis of the poster was developed. A solider has been outlined, with the includance of a cinematic film roll. This is in order to implement the idea that the cinema was a large aid for those in Leeds during the wartime. In order to promote this further the iconic Hyde Park Picture House typeface has been implemented upon the soldiers hat. As within the English language we read left to right, up to down, this allows the typeface to be initially read.

An organic shape was selected as this promotes a more friendly atmosphere. The curvature present also implements a more aesthtically pleasing design.

 In order to implement the cinematic film roll further an old fashioned film wheel was included. This in turn implementing context into the design.

 As I was unsure upon the effectiveness of this, I explored with importing the pre-developed architectural drawing of the picture house. By doing this I was able to implement the building visually within the design, making it instantly recognisable.

Both the cinematic film roll and the drawing of the picture house were both implemented into the same design in order to explore with placement etc. From this it was decided that the cinematic roll did not need to be implemented within the design as the curvature present within the design already mimics this.  

The involvement of other typography was explored with, with an original newspaper clipping stating 'The cosiest in Leeds'. This quote being appropriate as it is still relevant over a hundred years on. As the brief also stated an event must be outlined, it was decided that the opening of the picture house would be the key event, with the lower text adding 'established 1914'. This being highly important as during the 1900's, buildings often had their date of construct engraved upon them. 

The usage of the extra typography within the central design felt somewhat over crowed and thus this was elminated.

The exploration of a ticket was undergone in order to further promote cinematic elements towards the design. The first film, in which evolves a large patriotic feel 'their only son' was highlighted although it was decided that a simple ticket design would be more suiting towards the minimal design. 

Composition of the pieces was explored in order to gain an aesthetically pleasing piece. Closure is a key feature of the piece as although the design is not fully closed, the human eye completes this action. As a result of this the consumer draws more attention towards the deisgn. 

As balance is a key feature within the design this was also outlined. When the drawing of the building appears centralised this distracts from the original shape and makes it appear unbalanced due to the base shape favouring the left, as a result of this the illustation was moved to the right of the deisgn. In turn making the deisgn more appealing to the human eye. 

It was decided that the design would remain central in turn promoting a radial balance, in which uses the negative space most effectively. 

A PDF mock up was derived of the poster so that I was visually able to see what the final outcome may look like.

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