The NHS website
The NHS website is a useful tool in order to gather information surrounding CHD. Signs, symptoms and solution are outlined. To visit this webpage the consumer must know that they are directly searching for.
The British heart foundation
The British heart foundation, is a UK based charity in which focuses upon eliminating heart disease. Their is a website for the charity itself with campaigns being frequently developed by the charity as well as fund raising days.
Womens health
Women's health have developed numerous poster campaigns surrounding females relationships with heart disease. This is highly relevant as less women would call an ambulance if having a heart attack compared to that of men.
World heart federation
The world heart federation is a charity in which promotes issues faced with heart disease etc. The charity works with smaller organizations in order to promote a healthier world.
World heart day
Irish heart
The above campaign is from that of the Irish heart foundation. This foundation is very similar to the British variant.
Secondary prevention alliance
Individuals often have a secondary heart attack a year after an original heart attack. As a result of this the Australian heart foundation promoted a large scale campaign tackling this issue.
Go red for women
As women are far less likely to call an ambulance when having a heart attack, Go Red For Women attempts to tackle this through an advertisement campaign.
What's missing?
When thinking about what is missing from the campaigns already available, it has become evident that mass campaigns target an older audience and thus this should be altered as young people can experience CHD. Other risk factors such as family history have not be outlined and thus this may be another area in which to consider.
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