Saturday, 13 May 2017

Initial ideas

Some initial drawings were developed in which expand upon the thumbnails. Within these designs the concept has attempted to be highlighted rather than the actual design style.

  • The first design explores a block approach whereby the surrounding areas of the picture are micked. This promotes the idea that the picture house stands out from its surroundings. 
  • The second idea focuses largely upon the elephant, with the classic hyde park typeface being used. Although this clearly highlights the concept, I am unsure upon whether it effectively represents the picture house. 
  • The third idea focuses upon an old cinema board, with the typography appearing as if a movies name. This is in suiting to the cinema aspect of the picture house. In turn promoting purpose. 
  • The fourth idea depicts that of a gas light. In turn promoting the unique nature of the picture house. This allows the design to stand out from that of other posters. 
  • The fifth design focuses upon individuals quotes surrounding the picture house. This in turn promoting the fact that the picture house is the centre of the community. 
  • The seventh design focuses upon the picture house and the elephants visit. This in turn promoting an historical event.    


When discussing my ideas with my peers they suggested that some ideas were stronger than others. They stated that designs depicting the picture house appear most effective as this somewhat symbolises the picture house. They suggested that illustrations should be explored in order gather a range of responses.

They also suggested that symbolising aspects of the cinema, such as the screen/gas lit aspect would be highly effective as these are elements in which the cinema is internationally recognised. As a result of this I have decided to develop further drawings focusing upon the building and the ways in which it makes the consumer feel.

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