Monday 13 February 2017

tree approach

Thinking about the ways in which the branches may be used to frame the text a composition was developed in which focused upon developing negative space within the centre of the design. In order to emphasis the cut and paste nature of the ilustaion the colour of the background was altered, as well as the contrast of the branches in order to highlight the white outline. By completing this action the design appeared far more natural as if developed fully by hand. This cut and paste effect highlighting that the narrator of the novel as a playful young girl. 

The first approach used 'crooks' of the branches in order to contain the relivant infromation. When asking one of my peers what she thoughout about this she suggested that this made the design feel very seperate and that the text needed to be enlarged, she also suggested that the authors name is difficult to discoer and thus must be manipulated. 

After exploring with the two ideas, the above outcomes were developed. Again my peers were asked for feedback and it was suggested that the first design felt far more engaging, with the relivant information being postioned closely within a set frame. 

From this feedback it has been decided that the first cover will be used, and that a simialr approach should be used for the reverse cover. 

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