Tuesday 21 February 2017

Balloon Idea

From the card drawings it became apparent that the balloon concept was a strong idea as its suggests celebration in multiple contexts whether this being a birthday, anniversary or an event invitation. The balloon successfully uses shading in order to connote a less basic design, with details being included. This makes the card appeal to a young yet mature audience. 

The baby pink approach distracts the consumer from the details present within the balloons design. Although suggesting this the colour used grabs the consumers attention, and thus will hopefully stand out to the judges. Maybe this can be explored within a different format in order to complete a design in which feels less intimidating. 

Multiple balloons were used in order to convey the same style as that of the previous designs. The arrangement appears random in order to express the floating nature of the balloons as well as creating an interesting design that makes the consumer work to gain all the information. 

A teal was explored with although I again felt that this contrasted against the imagery far too much and thus did not allow the drawings to appear as effective as they are. As a result of this further colours were studied alongside that of complimentary colours. 

From this a purple approach was derived. The purple used is light enough that it does not connote mourning in certain cultures. The light nature also mens that it does not appear as the least favourite colour. The design itself complies to the design traits that are expressed within the previous designs, yet expresses its own innovative design. The composition used is interesting and expresses the context of the iconography, a factor in which makes this design stand out. The cut and paste nature also allows this design to appear friendly, and hand made. Two key selling factors. 

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