Thursday 9 February 2017


Following a similar idea to that of the previous typographic approach, the 'i' was again manipulated within this book cover design., but this time a lower case approach was used, as it felt that the lowercase indicated a sense of innocnece more. 

Lowercase letters were placed amongst capitals. They were also reduced in size in order to comply to this further, allowing the design decission to appear concious. 

Further typefaces were explored. Scripts were explored as a hand rendered aspect felt far more innocent than a CAD developed type. 

A typeface with a sharper dot was explored, as it felt most relivant to the narrative, refrencing a knife. 

Compositions were then explored, combinging the title and authors name. the close nature of the authors name to the title is refreing to Harper's close nature to the plot, and real life occurances that have influenced the book. 

Mock idea 3

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