Saturday 4 February 2017

General strong book covers (4)

-typography based 
-expresses a recurring theme in order to exhibit the key ideologies of the novel. 
-red is used to highlight key information
-white cover-what's the practicality, for general aesthetic than considering dirt.

-simple illustration
-Simple is often more impactive than complicated design.
-Grey is more practical than white, less likely to show marks

-Three tonal approach
-Minimal yet expresses plot
-Large type has been used so that the book is recognisable from a distance
-Composition has been used, following the rule of three, allowing for a design in which engages with the consumer. 

-The rule of thirds has again been used in order to maintain the consumers attention.

-Classic square containing information
-Maps are rarely expressed on books
-monotone-low printing cost

-General centralisation
-Have to look at the bottom of the page for information
-Three colours used, effective yet not over complicated

-explores a wide usage of type
-the typography explores a minimal yet 
-blue is calming
-relaxed cover

-The type has been used as a way in which to symbolise the novel's main protagonist
-Gradient has been used in order to allow for an interesting aesthetic. 
-Other key information is displayed at the bottom, again engaging the consumers attention. 

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