Friday 17 February 2017

Card drawings and crit

As I was unsure upon what iconography to use within the cards design a list was derived with possible outcomes. The general style in which is to be presented throughout is that of the cut and paste style, with key iconography being used. Although no 'celebration' has been dictated to each card, the focus of the iconography is surrounding a specific theme such as 'love'. The selected themes and chosen iconography are as expressed below:

  • Love-Hearts, Roses
  • Celebration-Balloons, Drinks
  • Hobbies-Camera 
  • Generic positive card for all occasions-Flowers

When discussing these themes with my peers it was stated that the general iconography in which has been selected would not be offensive to that of other religions, and cultures in which are represented within Britain. The research relating to flowers strongly embeds the idea within the set, a factor in which allows for a contextually strong piece. Although stating this it was suggested that some very strict members of the Islamic faith do not agree with modern technologies such as cameras and that this may be offensive towards them. In reference to this I believe that the camera approach is not offensive to the mass majority of British muslims and thus the design will be used. A similar example to this is that Jehovah witnesses do not believe in giving/receiving presents at christmas time.

Quick drawings were also developed in order to highlight how the cards may appear. These will be used for guidance when designing the products.

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