Friday 17 February 2017

mindmap and drawings

A simple idea generation was formulated into the iconography in which may be used to express the concept. Hearts are an obvious approach as they explore a minimal yet effective design in which promotes love and not culture. it was also discussed that linoprint may be explored, as I am yet to explore with this method and would like to do so further. The textures in which are apparent through this method would also give my design a stronger stance compared to that of others.

Sketches have been completed in order to express how the iconography would sit upon the page. The first design mimics current trends of that of fruit designs, due to ever increasing health crazes. In this case watermelons have been used in order to create vivid patterns. Bright colours will be used to engage the 'bored' consumer. The following designs upon the first page express ways in which a retro theme may be explored. Again using bright colours, essentially oranges, these designs would explore key patterns alongside flowers in order to express a 70's theme. Simple line designs may be used in order to stand out from that of the generic overcrowded cards that frequently appear within shops. 

The second page steps away from CAD with designs exploring ink, linoprint, and stamps. I felt it essential to explore with these methods as I would like my designs to stand out from that of the generic CAD produced cards. 

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