Monday 22 February 2016

Modernist and post modern crit

Following the idea of combining both modern and postmodern design aspects I began to explore potential compositions in which could explore these design tendencies. I thought about expressing the two designs through separate aspects of the cover and also by experimenting with imagery in which combines the two. I also thought about capturing the postmodern deisgn within a restricting box in order to express postmodernism originally evolving from modernism and also the restricting tendencies of modernist design. Although I like these ideas i'm not sure whether the postmodern aspect of functionality works, as the main idea behind this book is to inform. 

When taking this deisgn to the crit I discussed my concerns surrounding the combination of both modernism and postmodernism. It was suggested that I should not eliminate the postmodern component just make it a much smaller influence to that of the modernist design. For sample breaking the boundaries of grid and type. It was also suggested that shape may be a strong way in which I can represent this. 

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