Wednesday 24 February 2016

Leaflet (P)

Following the idea of developing typography out of lines, I explored approaches in which involve the expressing of a P. I found that straight lines appeared much more assertive and restricting than that of curved. I also felt that curved lines represented friendliness, a factor in which does not comply to the atmosphere in which I am attempting to develop. The designs in which allowed the lines to conjoin at both acute and obscure angles seemed to express stiffness, and thus I decided to take this further, using CAD.

Using the basic P structure, I developed an approach in which I felt to be awkward. The narrow line attempts to cut sharply across that of the page's structure, dividing the negative space present. Text was positioned incoherent to the shape, overlapping it at angles in order to promote the sentiment of postmodernism. The main feature in which I feel makes awkward design is that the consumer has not previous relationship to the way in which the product is developed, and thus boundaries must be broken and grids discarded. I feel that the positioning of type and shape within this idea conveys this. 

In order to gain further awkwardness, I increased the line width slightly causing the negative space to appear even more separated.  The text was moved off the shape, in order to promote legibility, but its uneven nature remained. The stroke width was altered in order to produce type in which feels to be positioned uncomfortably.  The colour was also altered to that of a deeper purple. I did this as the contrast between the white suggesting further diversion in design.

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