Monday 22 February 2016

Final Crit- secret 7

During the final critique it was suggested that the spray paint and wood approaches where the strongest designs, due to their relevance to the artist.

It was suggested that the silver approach signified the powerful nature of Etta's voice along with her stardom. The sentiment of Etta's rebellion was also highly commended stating that the concept made the piece much more effective.

It was suggested that the wooden approach was very differing to that of others, and this is what made it so impactful. Although it was suggested that the wooden approach made the design appear somewhat tranquil, and of a country genre, factors in which I had not previously considered. It was also suggested that maybe eyebrows could be involved within this design to make it stand out further, as well as darkening the wood. These being factors in which I would alter if I had further time.

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