Saturday 6 February 2016

1960's America and Etta's Struggle

Although At last made it to #2 on the Billboard Black Singles Chart. Upon the song’s release, segregation was still existent in the United States and the civil rights movement was in its heyday. In the spring the song was released, the Ku Klux Klan was attacking freedom riders and other civil rights activists in Alabama. “At Last” was under scrutiny by the country’s prejudicial white population and Etta James’ dyed blonde hair did not help her cause.

It has often been stated that Etta alongside multiple black artists allowed for what can only be described as "funky testifying", to take place during the civil rights movement, expressing black talent amongst white people. And to allow the brainwashed white population to see talent and intelligence within the black minority. Thus in some terms helping to pass the civil rights act.

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