Wednesday 10 February 2016

Intermediate crit- secret 7

When taking my designs to the crit it was suggested that I should explore with other approaches rather than that of C.A.D. For example letterpress may be used to display the funky testifying approach.

When discussing my designs it was obvious that the 'heart wrapped up in clover' although comical was not strong enough to submit as a design as its concept was limited.

It was also suggested that the silhouette design may work effectively upon other mediums, although the original blonde approach appeared highly visual and responded well to Etta's blonde hair.

One limitation I discovered is that the photomontage approach could not be submitted as I Had not taken the original photograph, and thus a photomontage approach could not be made of Etta's face. I will ensure that I use no more unoriginal images within this task.

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